Showing 1 - 22 of 22 Results
Travels in the two Sicilies: and some parts of the Apennines Volume v.1 by Spallanzani Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781172646623 List Price: $33.75
Travels in the two Sicilies: and some parts of the Apennines Volume v.4 by Spallanzani Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781172648634 List Price: $34.75
Travels in the two Sicilies: and some parts of the Apennines Volume v.3 by Spallanzani Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781172649389 List Price: $34.75
Travels in the two Sicilies: and some parts of the Apennines Volume v.2 by Spallanzani Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781172648887 List Price: $34.75
Expriences Sur La Circulation Observe Dans L'universalit Du Systme Vasculaire, Les Phnomnes ... by Spallanzani Lazzaro 1729-17... ISBN: 9781246502534 List Price: $34.75
Observations Importantes Sur L'usage Du Suc Gastrique Dans La Chirurgie (French Edition) by Senebier Jean 1742-1809, Sp... ISBN: 9781247711447 List Price: $17.75
Travels in the Two Sicilies: And Some Parts of the Apennines Volume V.2 by Spallanzani Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781355624431 List Price: $28.95
Travels in the Two Sicilies: And Some Parts of the Apennines Volume V.1 by Spallanzani Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781355621874 List Price: $27.95
Travels in the Two Sicilies: And Some Parts of the Apennines Volume V.4 by Spallanzani Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781355624578 List Price: $28.95
Travels in the Two Sicilies: And Some Parts of the Apennines Volume V.3 by Spallanzani Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781355622932 List Price: $28.95
De' Fenomeni Della Circolazione Osservata Nel Giro Universale de' Vasi; de' Fenomeni Della C... by Spallanzani, Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781361739839 List Price: $17.95
Tracts on the Natural History of Animals and Vegetables; V. 1,2d Ed by Spallanzani, Lazzaro 1729-1... ISBN: 9781363748266 List Price: $28.95
Tracts on the Natural History of Animals and Vegetables; V. 1,2d Ed by Spallanzani, Lazzaro 1729-1... ISBN: 9781363748259 List Price: $18.95
Lettera Apologetica In Riposta Alle Osservazioni Sulla Digestione Del Sig. Giovanni Hunter (... by Spallanzani Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781246857207 List Price: $17.75
Dell' Azione Del Cuore Ne' Vasi Sanguigni (Italian Edition) by Spallanzani Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781246938395 List Price: $17.75
De' Fenomeni Della Circolazione Osservata Nel Giro Universale de' Vasi; de' Fenomeni Della C... by Spallanzani, Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781361739853 List Price: $27.95
Travels in the Two Sicilies : And Some Parts of the Apennines; V. 2 by Spallanzani, Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781015036093 List Price: $21.95
Travels in the Two Sicilies : And Some Parts of the Apennines; V. 1 by Spallanzani, Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781015352841 List Price: $20.95
Travels in the Two Sicilies : And Some Parts of the Apennines; V. 1 by Spallanzani, Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781015392120 List Price: $30.95
Travels in the Two Sicilies : And Some Parts of the Apennines; V. 4 by Spallanzani, Lazzaro 1729-1799 ISBN: 9781014623348 List Price: $21.95
Dell' Azione Del Cuore Ne' Vasi Sanguigni by 1729-1799, Spallanzani Lazzaro ISBN: 9781020219665
Dell' Azione Del Cuore Ne' Vasi Sanguigni by 1729-1799, Spallanzani Lazzaro ISBN: 9781021566256